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Frequently asked questions is a mere attempt of a website that aggregates metal albums reviews. does not review metal albums releases.
All the reviews presented on this website are retrieved from their respective publishers.
We do not alter, change or express an opinion regarding the reviews. gets the rating of a specific metal album release from the publisher website and calculates a mean rating. So, if a specific album release gets a review from a source that is following
that rating is translated on 0 to 5 scale (with .5 denomination) and is used to calculate a mean rating.
We are getting the ratings for every release presented here from every source we follow and we convert the rating to a 0 to 5 scale. The mean rating is calculated as an average rating: (Source 1 rating + Source 2 rating + ... + Source n rating) / n content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by any reviews sources presented here.
For the time being we are bringing you reviews from,,,,,,,, and, but this is still a work in progress. More review sources will be brought under Metal Reviews Hub's roof!
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If you have already subscribed and you want to delete your subscription, you can click the Subscribe button and insert your email address in the form that pops up. Select any rating and click Subscribe. You will be presented with a message that displays the current subscription details and the option to change or delete your subscription.
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Basicly, the button gives you the option to add an album release (or more) to a favorite list so you can check it out later. If that specific album is present on Bandcamp it will also be listed on and you can listen to it right here.
Bare in mind that on release date, there is a chance that not all tracks from that specific album will be available.
Obviously, the button gives you the option to remove an album from your favorite list.
If you already added some albums to your favorite list you can view them by clicking the button from the top page navigation menu, next to Change view () button.
The button gives you the option to share a specific album by generating a link that you can share by mail, Whatsapp or other share target selected by the user, providing the fact that your browser supports the Web Share API.
More info about Web Share API and supported browsers can be found here. is not selling you anything. This means that wherever you see a buy button, clicking it will redirect you to Bandcamp website where you can buy that specific album.
In order to provide you a user friendly navigation experience, will collect your email address whenever this is necessary.
We also use cookies to provide you access to certain website facilities (i.e change view option, add / remove / view favorites).
In order to protect your privacy, we are not sharing your email address with any other third parties.
This means that whenever we need your email in order to facilitate your experience on website we will be asking for it. is not collecting IP, ISP, location, credit / debit cards or passwords related data. is not categorising bands according to our understanding of what that specific band is playing. All the genres tags you see on and the bands they are attributed to are set according to The only reason we're using for this purpose is because, in our view, it seems to be the most comprehensive metal music database so far.
This is why, for every band you see on we're providing a link to where you can check all the info available regarding that specific band. If a link to is not provided it means that we did not find that band listed on that website.
We need your email address to set up your favorite albums
In order to protect our users' privacy, we'll send you a 4 characters alphanumeric code to your email address.
reviewed and rated a metal album release, we'll bring it here for you to have all the ratings under the same roof.
And if you subscribe, you will be notified about a specific rating and genre release.